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The structural and magnetic properties of Fe80P9B11 amorphous alloy are investigated through ab initio molecular dynamic simulation. The structure evolution of Fe80P9B11 amorphous alloy can be described in the framework of topological fluctuation theory, and the fluctuation of atomic hydrostatic stress gradually decreases upon cooling. The left sub peak of the second peak of Fe–B partial pair distribution functions (PDFs) becomes pronounced below the glass transition temperature, which may be the major reason why B promotes the glass formation ability significantly. The magnetization mainly originates from Fe 3d states, while small contribution results from metalloid elements P and B. This work may be helpful for developing Fe-based metallic glasses with both high saturation flux density and glass formation ability.
Due to their excellent soft magnetic property and low cost, Fe-based metallic glasses have captured much attention experimentally and theoretically.[1–6] Metallic glasses are generally produced by rapid cooling methods, where the viscosity increases exponentially until glass transition occurs.[7] Egami et al. put forward the concept of atomic level stress, and described the glass transition in terms of topological instability.[8] However, the structure details of metallic glasses remain ambiguous owing to the lack of three-dimensional (3D) atomic structural model. Molecular dynamic (MD) simulation[9] especially ab initio molecular dynamic (AIMD) simulation[10] is regarded as an effective way to investigate the structural evolution during rapid cooling on an extremely short timescale.
During the past decades, a lot of work has been done to improve the saturation flux density and the underlying mechanism has been investigated. Earlier study suggested that moment variation in transition metal–metalloid (T-M) alloy is simply determined by the different local symmetry of the M atom or the electronic valence.[11,12] However, these rough approximations could not explain the strong magnetovolume effect observed in Fe-based alloys. Rahman et al.[13] studied the influences of impurities in magnetism and electronic structures of bcc Fe. They found that the average magnetic moment generally follows a Slater–Pauling curve, and attributed the discrepancy to the weak ferromagnetic nature of bcc Fe. Recently, Kiss et al.[14] investigated the anomalous magnetic behaviors of Fe–Zr metallic glasses in detail and elaborated this anomaly in terms of critical Fe atomic volume. Based on AIMD simulation of Fe85Si2B8P4Cu1 (NANOMET) amorphous alloy,[15] it is revealed that magnetic moment is both electron charge dependent and atomic volume dependent. Our results found that the magnetic moment of Fe of typical Fe-based amorphous alloy Fe80P9B11 is strongly affected by the charge quantity.
The calculation was performed by using the Vienna ab initio simulation package (VASP).[16] Projected augmented wave (PAW) parameterized by Perdew, Burke, and Ernzerhof was adopted to describe interactions between particles.[17,18] Only Γ -point was used to sample the Brillouin zone. The simulation was performed in a canonical ensemble (NVT) with a Nosé thermostat[19] for temperature control. The initial structure contained 100 atoms that were totally randomly distributed. The melt was kept at 2000 K for 10 ps in time-steps of 5 fs to reach thermal equilibrium. Afterwards, the system was gradually cooled down to 1600 K, 1200 K, 800 K, 600 K, 400 K in 1000 MD steps. The cooling rates were 8×1013 K/s and 4×1013 K/s when the temperature ranged from 2000 K to 800 K and 800 K to 400 K, respectively. The external pressure was turned to essential zero by adjusting the volume of the supercell. Finally, an additional 5000 MD steps were performed to collect atomic structure information. For accurate electron density of states (DOS) calculation, a 2×2×2 k-points mesh were adopted.
The mean square displacements (MSDs) are calculated at each temperature. Using the Einstein relationship: D = limt→∞〈r2(t)〉/6t, the values of self-diffusion constant D for Fe, P, and B are obtained and shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 1. (color online) Temperature dependence of self-diffusion constant of Fe, P, and B in Fe80P9B11 alloy. |
A more detailed study of structure evolution of Fe–P–B amorphous alloy can be done through partial PDFs and the results are shown in Fig.
![]() | Fig. 3. (color online) Variations of partial PDF g(r) with position for (a) Fe–Fe, (b) Fe–P, and (c) Fe–B atomic pairs at various temperatures. |
The total magnetic moment of our simulated supercell is 165 µB. Since it is impossible to contain a domain wall as illustrated by Wang et al.,[30] the saturation flux density can thus be calculated from Bs = M/V = 1.67 T where Bs, M, and V denote saturation magnetization, calculated magnetic moment, and supercell volume, respectively. Figures
![]() | Fig. 4. (color online) (a) Spin-polarized total electron DOS of Fe80P9B11 amorphous alloy, and (b) partial electron DOS of Fe atom. |
The Fermi level is located right above the majority spin band and falls near the minimum of spin-down band, indicating the existence of ferromagnetism in this alloy. Moreover, both spin bands are partially filled and in this case, exchange splitting energy is less than the energy difference between the Fermi level EF and the top of the d band. Therefore, Fe80P9B11 alloy is a weak ferromagnet. Figure
The average magnetic moments per atom for Fe, P, and B are listed in Table
![]() | Table 1
Average magnetic moments mi i = s, p, and d of s, p, and d states and the total magnetic moments mtotal of Fe, P, and B atoms in Fe80P9B11 amorphous alloy. . |
The high saturation flux density is preferred for Fe-based metallic glasses. The concentration of Fe atoms dominates the saturation flux density, however, the high concentration of Fe atoms leads to the poor GFA. Therefore, it is worthwhile to investigate the micro-alloying effects in Fe-based amorphous alloys. As discussed above, an alloying element with larger electronegativity may benefit the magnetic property since it will make Fe atoms more positively charged. In contrast, the hybrid Fe–B or Fe–P bonds will replace the polarizable d–d bonds and deteriorate the magnetic property. Therefore there is an optimal concentration of metalloid atoms in Fe-based amorphous alloy to obtain high saturation flux density. To further testify this point, more work needs to be done, and this work provides a theoretic viewpoint for developing Fe-based amorphous alloy.
We perform AIMD simulation to investigate the structure evolution of Fe80P9B11 amorphous alloy during rapid cooling and evaluate its magnetic property. It is found the intensity of first g(r) peak increases monotonically with the decrease of temperature. The second peak of PDF starts to split around 800 K. The left sub peak of the second PDF peak of Fe–B becomes more pronounced, and the position shifts to small value below the glass transition temperature, which may be the major reason why B promotes the glass formation ability significantly.
The DOS calculation indicates that the Fe80P9B11 is weak ferromagnet. The calculated average magnetic moment of Fe is about 2.10 µB, while P and B obtain the magnetic moments of −0.10 µB and −0.12 µB, respectively. Our results reveal that in this system, Fe magnetic moment varies almost linearly with electric charge. Alloying elements with large electronegativity may be an effective method of improving the magnetic properties of Fe-based amorphous alloy.
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